- The etiology and resistance patterns of bacteria involved in bacterial ear infections vary across different geographical regions.... - There are many different types of bladder surgery. The most common procedure is TURBT, or Transurethral Resection of Bladder (TBR). It is the most effective treatment for early... - How to reduce eye power is a common question asked by computer users. There are many reasons why we should rest our eyes. It can be due to... - Unlike some crash diets, the military diet is not endorsed by the U.S. Army. Nonetheless, it does have a certain cachet. Many people... - The Standing Crunch Exercise is a simple exercise for your abdominal muscles. Simply stand on one leg while the other is extended behind... - Among the many healthy food choices for diabetics, berries have become very popular in recent years. They can easily be incorporated into the... - There are many different types of treatments for guttate psoriasis. Typically, the condition is a result of a bacterial infection - usually streptococcus...