Calcific Tendonitis Physical Therapy


Share post: – If you’ve suffered from calcific tendonitis, you’ve probably wondered how to get the most out of physical therapy for this condition. There are plenty of options out there, from exercises to a doctor’s office visit. But which is the best one for you? Here’s some information on the treatment process and the benefits of physical therapy for calcific tendonitis. After all, you don’t have to go through surgery, right?

Treatment Plan for Calcific Tendonitis

Treatment for calcific tendonitis can be frustrating, but there are many options available. Early steps should focus on relieving pain and allowing inflammation to subside. Generally, a treatment plan for calcific tendonitis consists of exercises that can help with the symptoms, such as rest, and will include additional treatments like physical therapy. But it’s always best to start simple, and only consider more invasive treatments if those methods don’t work.

A physician should first determine the underlying cause of your symptoms. While symptoms can be mild or no pain at all, calcific tendonitis is often accompanied by severe pain. If it is severe, the pain can limit arm movement, interfere with sleep, and affect daily activities. Some patients may even experience “pre-calcification,” where calcium deposits will form in the future. Physical therapy for calcific tendonitis will be tailored to your specific case.

An alternative treatment is shockwave therapy. The doctor uses a shock wave machine to apply shock waves to the sore area. The shock waves break up the calcium deposit so that the body can absorb it more easily. Shock wave therapy can be effective for patients with calcific tendonitis, but it should not be used for severe cases. If you are experiencing severe pain, surgical treatment may be the only option. Fortunately, this treatment is relatively safe and doesn’t require an overnight stay.

Physical Therapy Helps Achieving Optimal Health

As a result of the deposition of calcium, it undergoes three stages. In the first stage, the calcium deposits are deposited in the tendon. After the postcalcific stage, the body reabsorbs the calcium deposit. After the postcalcific stage, the calcium deposit is gone, and a new tendon grows to replace it. Physical therapy for calcific tendonitis can help you achieve optimal health.

As a result of physical therapy for calcific tendonitis, you can begin to see some improvement in your symptoms. Using a proper shoulder erect posture can decrease the pain in your shoulder. Physical Therapy can also help strengthen your muscles and help you regain your shoulder’s range of motion. A Physical Therapist can help you determine a rehabilitation program based on your particular situation. If you can tolerate the exercises, you can start a program that will improve your daily activities.

In some cases, surgery may be the best option for calcific tendonitis. While it is unlikely that you’ll need surgery to cure your condition, around 10 percent of people will require surgery to relieve their pain. Surgery can be performed in two methods: open surgery, in which a large incision is made in the skin, or arthroscopic surgery, which is performed through a small incision.

Undergo Physical Therapy for Pain with Regular Exercise

After your doctor diagnoses calcific tendonitis, you’ll likely need to undergo physical therapy for the pain. During this therapy session, physical therapists will prescribe exercises to strengthen the affected muscle-tendon unit and help you return to your regular activities. Physical therapy will help you get back to doing the things you love and are good at. You’ll also be able to get the best results by doing regular exercises to strengthen your shoulder.

In the case of open surgery, physical therapy may last six to eight weeks. However, if you have a good physiotherapist and follow a strict exercise program, you could experience improvements as early as two or three weeks after surgery. A good physical therapist can be the difference between a full recovery and a painful ache. Your doctor can prescribe pain medication and perform simple exercises in your office. If your condition is more advanced, you may require surgery, followed by physical therapy.

Once your physician determines that your condition is mild to moderate, physical therapy can help you return to normal activities. During this time, physical therapy can help you regain range of motion and avoid repetitive motions. If your doctor does recommend surgery, he or she will explain what recovery options will be best for your particular case. The recovery time will also depend on how much calcium deposits you have and where they are located. In severe cases, you’ll likely need to undergo open surgery, which will take longer than an arthroscopic procedure. Your physical therapist may even recommend a sling to help you keep your shoulder supported while undergoing surgery.


Mouzopoulos, G., et al. “Extracorporeal shock wave treatment for shoulder calcific tendonitis: a systematic review.” Skeletal Radiology 36.9 (2007): 803-811.

Serafini, Giovanni, et al. “Rotator cuff calcific tendonitis: short-term and 10-year outcomes after two-needle US-guided percutaneous treatment—nonrandomized controlled trial.” Radiology 252.1 (2009): 157-164.

Dr Jackal Claire Sp. OG, Sp. BP
Dr Jackal Claire Sp. OG, Sp. BP
My name is Dr Jackal. This is my 5 years of experience as a specialist doctor. I work for a big hospital in my city. I spend my spare time to write by sharing informative thing to visitors.


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