Home Health Tips Symptoms of Middle Foot Osteoarthritis

Symptoms of Middle Foot Osteoarthritis

Symptoms of Middle Foot Osteoarthritis

Eshealthtips.com – Despite its name, midfoot osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative joint in the foot. The midfoot bones move when you walk and transfer your weight from the hips to the lower body. As a result, degenerating joints in the middle of the foot can cause pain and stiffness. While a visible bony bump on the top of the foot is not necessarily a sign of osteoarthritis, it can be a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

Parts of the Middle Leg

The midfoot is composed of five bones that connect the hindfoot and the forefoot. These bones are called cuboid, navicular, and medial cuneiform. These bones are joined to form the midfoot. The midfoot also consists of the Lisfranc joint, which is commonly involved in amputations. The afflicted joints are typically fused together.

Because there are so many small joints in the midfoot, it can be difficult to diagnose osteoarthritis. Physical examinations can confirm or rule out the diagnosis. Your physician may order a specific x-ray view and administer selective injections to reduce pain and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers are often used to manage the condition. You should avoid wearing footwear with flexible soles, as this can increase pain. You should also wear shoes with stiff soles, to avoid bending and stressing the painful joints. Orthotics are available for stiffening shoes.

Treatment for midfoot osteoarthritis aims to improve stability and reduce loads on the inflamed joints. Conservative treatments include reducing the load on the affected joints with orthotics, a shoe orthotic or a heel-heel brace. Patients with severe pain should seek medical attention if they notice changes in their feet. The best way to address midfoot osteoarthritis is to seek treatment.

Symptoms of Middle Foot Osteoarthritis

Symptoms of midfoot osteoarthritis include pain, swelling, and a change in the shape of the foot. Symptoms of midfoot OA may also occur during activities of daily living or while walking. The pain may be sharp or burning, and can make it difficult to find comfortable shoes. It can be caused by a specific injury or a longstanding bunion. Other causes of midfoot osteoarthritis in the middle of the foot are gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory joint conditions.

The symptoms of midfoot osteoarthritis can be mild or severe. Symptomatic cases of midfoot OA often have pain in the last 4 weeks. X-rays and CT scans are recommended to make an accurate diagnosis. Further imaging tests may help determine whether a person has OA in the other joints. MRIs are considered the gold standard for diagnosing midfoot osteoarthritis.

The symptoms of midfoot osteoarthritis are usually associated with a change in shape. Symptoms of midfoot arthritis may occur during daily activities, such as walking. A person with this condition may also experience pain or swelling while taking part in sports. If left untreated, osteoarthritis can lead to significant arch collapse and instability in the middle of the foot. In severe cases, a patient may be unable to walk due to pain.

Treating Middle Leg Disease

Surgical procedures may be needed for more advanced cases. In most cases, conservative treatments can help patients relieve pain for the time being. However, patients with advanced symptoms of midfoot arthritis may need to undergo primary joint fusion to fix the joint. While these are invasive procedures, they are not always necessary. Generally, conservative treatments are the most effective for midfoot osteoarthritis. A doctor can also prescribe medications for patients to relieve the symptoms.

Surgery is the usual treatment for midfoot osteoarthritis. Arthrodesis is the treatment of choice for post-traumatic osteoarthritis of the foot. Its risks are unknown, but in general, fusion of the joints may result in a nonunion, chronic overload of the lateral midfoot joints and stress fracture. While surgery is not the only treatment for midfoot osteoarthritis, it is the most effective for most patients.

Various methods are used for the diagnosis and treatment of midfoot osteoarthritis. Conventional medical treatments include physiotherapy, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications. Although x-ray findings can be helpful in confirming the diagnosis, only a doctor can make the final determination. For more serious cases, however, a CT scan can help identify the damaged joints and guide the treatment process. Even in the case of mild symptoms, surgery may not be necessary.


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