Bladder Surgery – Types of Bladder Surgery


Share post: – There are many different types of bladder surgery. The most common procedure is TURBT, or Transurethral Resection of Bladder (TBR). It is the most effective treatment for early stage, superficial bladder cancer. Most patients have superficial cancer when they are first diagnosed, so they typically need only a single TURBT. TURBT removes the cancer cells and nearby tissue, up to the muscle layer of the urinary wall. The procedure is performed through the urethra and therefore does not require abdominal cuts. While a general anesthetic is necessary, a regional anesthetic is also used to numb the lower body.

Surgical Procedures for Common Bladder Exstrophy

Cystectomy is the most common surgical procedure for bladder exstrophy. In this procedure, the bladder is removed and a new passage is created through the intestine called the ileal conduit. This new passage will carry urine out of the body. The ureters will attach to the new stoma, which is a hole made in the wall of the bladder. While a partial cystectomy does not require reconstructive surgery, it may be appropriate for a child with an abnormality.

Depending on the type of surgery, the recovery time varies. A partial cystectomy is an option for small, early-stage bladder cancer, while a radical cystectomy is for a bladder that is more advanced. In a partial cystectomy, a hole is made in the bladder wall and the cancer is removed. During the procedure, the stoma is created, which will connect the ureters and the ileum.

A resectoscope is a thin, rigid tubing that attaches the ureters to the stoma, or opening on the surface of the abdomen. During the procedure, the surgeon uses a small bowel to create a conduit that connects the ureters to the stma. During this surgery, a small drainable bag is connected to a larger drainage bag. The child can go home the same day and resume normal life.

Urinary Bladder Removal Surgical Process Leaves No Scars

During the procedure, the doctor will remove the bladder. The surgeon will create a new passage for urine to be expelled. This is called a urostomy. A stoma is a new opening in the wall of the bladder. The stoma is the new opening. During this procedure, the ureter will be attached to the ileum. This surgery will not leave any scarring.

The procedure will remove the bladder, but it will leave some residual tissue. The surgeon will also remove lymph nodes. The surgery will be performed through the urethra. After the surgery, the patient will return home the following day. The hospital will then help them prepare the child for the surgery. During the recovery period, the child will be placed under general anesthesia. He will be given pain medications and epidurals before the procedure.

After the procedure, the child will be placed on an IV drip. After he or she has recovered, the doctor will place a catheter in the bladder and then attach the stoma to the ureters. This will prevent the stoma from causing any problems for the patient. During the procedure, the surgeon will use sutures to fix the holes. It is important to follow all instructions and keep the patient well-hydrated and comfortable.

Creating a New Channel Through the Intestine

Once the bladder is removed, the doctor will create a new passage through the intestine. This is called an ileal conduit. After the surgery, the ileum will be attached to the ureters and stoma. The ureter is a large tube that connects to the bladder. After the procedure, the child will be able to walk and bathe. However, the bowel is not affected during the surgery.

Most patients will spend three to four days in the hospital. Some people will stay for longer depending on their condition. They can also expect to have some pain during the operation, but most people will recover well. The procedure is done with minimal disruption to the bowel and will have little or no physical impact on the patient’s life. The urethra is an organ in the pelvic region that contains the urine. It is not the only part of the body affected by the bladder.

There are several types of bladder surgery. A partial cystectomy is a procedure that removes only the cancerous tissue. A radical cystectomy is the most common option for bladder cancer. It is a major operation. The cost of a full cystectomy depends on the type of treatment. A complete bladder removal can cost as much as $6,000, though it can vary significantly. Some people choose to have only one operation. Depending on the type of surgery, it may take several weeks to recover completely.


Stenzl, Arnulf, Georg Bartsch, and Hermann Rogatsch. “The remnant urothelium after reconstructive bladder surgery.” European urology 41.2 (2002): 124-131.

Metcalfe, P. D., Cain, M. P., Kaefer, M., Gilley, D. A., Meldrum, K. K., Misseri, R., … & Rink, R. C. (2006). What is the need for additional bladder surgery after bladder augmentation in childhood?. The Journal of urology176(4S), 1801-1805.

Dr Jackal Claire Sp. OG, Sp. BP
Dr Jackal Claire Sp. OG, Sp. BP
My name is Dr Jackal. This is my 5 years of experience as a specialist doctor. I work for a big hospital in my city. I spend my spare time to write by sharing informative thing to visitors.


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