Treatments For Itching Feet


Share post: – There are a variety of treatments for itching feet, including anti-inflammatory medications, topical emollients, and anthelmintic drugs. Topical anti-histamines can reduce itchiness by blocking the H1 receptors, while antifungal drugs are used to treat fungal infections. Prescription medications are only useful for a certain type of foot itch. Depending on the underlying condition, the doctor may prescribe antifungals or anti-fungal creams.

Topical Creams and Anti-fungal Drugs are Effective in Reducing Itching

The most basic form of treatment for itching feet is prevention. People often find relief from itchiness if they stop scratching and picking their feet. Topical creams and anti-fungal medications are effective in reducing the itching, but prescription medication may be necessary if the condition is severe. Prevention is always better than cure. If you do notice a rash or an itchy spot, you should seek medical attention to ensure that it is not a serious problem.

Other causes include exposure to chemicals or irritants. Contact dermatitis can be caused by jewellery, poison ivy, or other sources of irritation. Topical OTC medications like ibuprofen and naproxen will numb the affected area and reduce itchiness. If you notice an increased itchiness after contact with an irritant, a doctor may prescribe a stronger medication, such as gabapentin. Pregnancy hormones can also cause dry skin on the feet. Pregnancy hormones can increase the amount of emitted estrogen, making your feet swell. Itching feet are an indication of a more serious health issue.

Itchy feet can also be a sign of an underlying medical problem. In some cases, the itching can be caused by a neurotransmitter called serotonin. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can treat itchiness. Similarly, some medications can trigger foot itchiness. If the symptoms persist, you should see a doctor to find out whether you have a more serious condition.

Benefits of Moisturizing Feet Properly

If your feet are itchy and cracked, it might be a sign of a fungal infection. In other cases, your feet may be dry due to prolonged pressure, friction, and/or temperature. Properly moisturizing the feet can also help prevent skin cracking and relieve itchiness. If your feet are dry and cracked, your doctor may prescribe antifungal medication. This is especially important if you suffer from atopic dermatitis, as the dryness of the feet can make it easier for harmful bacteria to infect the body.

There are several different causes of itchy feet, but the most common is fungal infection. Despite the name, fungus grows on the feet and is easily contracted by walking barefoot in a locker room. The symptoms of this infection include a scaly red rash on the feet that worsens as soon as socks are removed. You can also buy over-the-counter topical creams that contain antifungal ingredients.

Some Medications That Can Relieve Itching

If you suspect you are pregnant and experiencing itchy feet, visit your doctor. Your doctor may suspect a serious medical condition that is affecting the release of bile from the liver. In such cases, bile can become trapped in the liver and spill into the bloodstream, causing itching. High levels of liver enzymes may even require early delivery. So, while you’re waiting for your doctor to prescribe an anti-itching cream, keep your feet cool by applying moisturizer or foot serum.

Some medications may relieve itching. Among them are topical steroids, antihistamines, and ultraviolet light therapy. Once liver function improves, the symptoms may subside. However, there are other causes of itching feet, such as kidney disease. If you are experiencing this condition, your doctor may prescribe a prescription drug called acitretin. Uremic pruritus, which is a result of excess urea, may result in severe itching.

Dr Jackal Claire Sp. OG, Sp. BP
Dr Jackal Claire Sp. OG, Sp. BP
My name is Dr Jackal. This is my 5 years of experience as a specialist doctor. I work for a big hospital in my city. I spend my spare time to write by sharing informative thing to visitors.


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